Every March, the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs honors their champion, Prince Kūhiō, with a month-long celebration. Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalaniana`ole, known as Ke Ali`i Maka`ainana, “the Citizen prince,” is revered for dedication to his native Hawaiian people and role as founder of the Hawaiian Civic Club movement and former Delegate to Congress for the Territory of Hawai`i . One of the culminating events of the month is the annual Prince Kūhiō Parade down Kalakaua Avenue in Waikiki.
Four of Tom’s children participated in the parade – the banner holders and two marchers.
Driving the car for the Wai`anae Hawaiian Civic Club is WHCC member Tom Zizzi. Seated above is WHCC President, Aunty Gege Kawelo. Passenger is Tom’s wife, Amy, WHCC Secretary.